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martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

University fest

GOES                                                                                           August 15th, 2010
Gobierno Estudiantil

Dear GOES:
        One of the main goals of this university is to create leadership between their students; the activity organized by you is a really good example of what the students are capable to do.
The University Festival was for me a really nice experience because it allowed me to develop one skill that not in all places I have the opportunity to develop. The leadership is a skill that is really appreciate by the companies nowadays, and the university fest is a great chance to improve it.
My classmates of English III and I created a simulation of one TV show program that is really entertained. We recreated our own version of “Who wants to be a millionaire?”, however we didn’t have the money to pay for the prizes so, we thought in change the prizes, as a result instead of money we gave food. According to this the name of the show changed, now we called “Who wants to eat?”   
The organization was really difficult, but we could go ahead with the event. The show was a big success, we invited to others group of English III that were in our same schedule and everyone enjoyed the show a lot.
Finally I want to say thank you for create this kind of blocks in which the students can develop or improve skills that aren’t teach in the classrooms and are really important in life.

Javier Díaz Muñoz
Computer Science Student
English III

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